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Jim Tours, by virtue of and compliance with Decreto Supremo No. 005-2020-MINCETUR, which approves the Regulations for Travel and Tourism Agencies, is an agency committed to the Code of Conduct Against the Sexual Exploitation of Girls, Boys and Adolescents (ESNNA).

The ESNNA aims to establish the guidelines for responsible behavior that tourism service providers and their workers must know and comply with against the abuse of minors.

Our agency confirms that within its organizational code of ethics firmly rejects, denounces and condemns any practice related to sexual abuse and exploitation of minors.


In order to counteract the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in travel and tourism, tourism service providers will adopt a Code of Conduct that must be observed by their legal representatives, directors, administrators, employees and contractors linked to the provision of tourism services. , in order to make effective the obligations contemplated by Law 28251, as well as to prevent the conduct classified in the same law and also to incorporate the following minimum control measures:

  • Refrain from offering, expressly or surreptitiously, plans for the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in tourism promotion programs and tourist plans.
  • Refrain from giving information to tourists, directly or through an intermediary, about places from which they coordinate or where commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents is practiced.
  • Refrain from driving tourists, directly or through third parties, to establishments or places where commercial sexual exploitation of children is practiced, as well as driving them to places where tourists are staying, even if they are located boats. in Altamar, for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  • Refrain from providing vehicles on tourist routes for the purposes of exploitation or sexual abuse of children and adolescents.
  • Prevent the entry of children and adolescents into hotels or places of lodging and lodging, bars, similar businesses and other establishments in which tourist services are provided, for the purposes of sexual exploitation or abuse.
  • Adopt measures to prevent personnel linked in any capacity to the company from offering tourist services that allow sexual activity with children and adolescents.
  • Report to the MINCETUR and other competent authorities the facts of which you have become aware by any means, as well as the existence of places related to sexual exploitation of children and adolescents and ensure that within the company there are channels for reporting. corresponding to the competent authorities.
  • Design and disseminate within the company and with its suppliers of goods and services, a policy in which the provider establishes measures to prevent and counteract all forms of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in travel and tourism.
  • Train all personnel linked to the company on the issue of prevention of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.
  • Inform its users about the legal consequences in Peru of the sexual exploitation and abuse of children and adolescents.
  • Post in a visible place for the employees of the commercial establishment or establishments this Code of Conduct and the other commitments and measures that the provider wishes to assume in order to protect children and adolescents.

“In furtherance of the provisions of Law No. 28251, tourists are warned that sexual exploitation and abuse of minors in the country are criminally and administratively sanctioned, in accordance with current laws.”